“No doctrine is more excellent, or necessary to be preached and studied, than Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” John Flavel
Upcoming Events + Announcements
Men’s Theology Class meets the 12th & 26th.
Women’s Theology Class meets the 5th & 19th.
EPICS meets March 20th, 10:00 a.m., at Almost Home
Kidz Club, Junior High Kidz Club, & Youth Theology Night meets the 9th & 23rd.
Sign-ups for the Meal Ministry are on the bulletin board.
Interested in donating to the Rescue Mission? A list of most needed items is posted on the bulletin board. See Lynette Israel with any questions.
Looking Forward:
Palm Sunday Liturgy & Communion Service: April 13th
Easter Sunday: April 20th
2025 Pillars of the Faith Conference: May 16th-18th. Guests Pat Abendroth & Steve Meister will preach on the work & person of the Holy Spirit. Please plan to attend and bring a friend! More information to follow!